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Drayton House Dental Practice Sold to Dr Ria Patel

It is well documented that the UK Dentistry market is consolidating but it is not ‘consolidated’.  Of the 12,500 dental practices in the UK it is estimated around 12% of them are owned by Corporate Groups.  Of which over 1000 are owned by {My} Dentist & BUPA alone.  Dental Practice Groups are estimated to account for a further 2500 dental practices.  Which leaves circa 8500 (68%) of Dental Practices in private hands.

The other significant trend is the increasing number of women who are becoming dentists.  Soon >50% of dentists will be women.

The sale of Drayton House Dental Practice to Dr Ria Patel indicates why it is essential to use a dental broker who has a full list of Associates looking to buy.  Rather than a dental broker who is only able to flip your dental practice to a small list of corporate buyers.  There are plenty of private buyers looking for  dental practices and they are often highly motivated to buy a dental practice in a specific location. That location could be exactly where your dental practice is based.   The chances of that private buyer being a woman are also going to significantly increase.

At Lily Head Dental Practice Sales we often talk about how we change the lives of #dentists for the better.  Without wanting to over play our hand it is true.

If you would like to discuss anything about buying, selling or financing a dental practice then please Contact Us.

The dental practice sold from an asking price of £395,000 plus the freehold.




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